Cada una de la soluciones de desenrollado automático de CSW incluye una mesa de almacenamiento de rollos de gravedad estándar, que puede almacenar 40, 50 o 60 rollos de extremos 2.02, dependiendo de la máquina. De esta manera, nuestros clientes cuentan con más flexibilidad en la manipulación de rollos, en la capacidad de acumulación de rollos o en la distribución.


Storage table

CSW puede elegir entre las opciones siguientes:

  • Tablas de flujo impulsadas CSW
  • Transportadores de rollos CSW
  • Despaletizadora de rollos CSW


Mesa Extremos 2.02 Extremos 2.06
FT100 100 rollos 85 rollos
FT150 153 rollos 120 rollos
FT200 180 rollos 155 rollos
FT250 245 rollos 200 rollos


Transportador de rollos entre la mesa de flujo y el desenrollador

De acuerdo con un modelo estándar de CSW, la mesa con búfer de rollos CSW, de gravedad o impulsada, se coloca en la misma línea que el desenrollador CSW y se conecta directamente a la alimentación del desenrollador.


Roll conveyorSi el área disponible para la máquina es estrecha, pero larga, en ese caso la mesa con búfer de rollos CSW podría colocarse en un lateral del desenrollador CSW.


Para conectar la salida de la mesa con búfer de rollos CSW y la alimentación de rollos del desenrollador CSW con esta distribución alternativa, se instala un transportador de rollos CSW.



Despaletizadora de rollos

Véase Despaletizadora de extremos de rollos >


Para consultar sus requisitos específicos, póngase en contacto con su representante de CSW. Llame al +31 (0) 570 678 700 o busque su agencia local de CSW.

The CSW Automated Unwrapper does standard not need a Stripe Detection for orientating the rolls before cutting the paper.


In certain situations, for example when the paper does not meet the standard CSW roll requirements, a CSW Stripe Detection might help with improving the performance and efficiency.


For your specific requirements please contact your CSW representative, call +31 (0) 570 678 700 or find your local CSW agency ›.

All CSW Machines and prices are based on the CSW Mechanical Standards and the CSW Standards Europe Siemens.


If the customer/end-user has dedicated wishes and requirements which deviate from the CSW Standards, a further investigation can be made to the possibilities to meet these requirements and wishes. In our quotations we will provide a summary of the different positions and the individual up-prices for these positions.


For your specific requirements please contact your CSW representative, call +31 (0) 570 678 700 or find your local CSW agency ›.

CSW Automated unwrapping machines can handle any kind of standard Beer & Beverage end, whether B64, CDL or Superends.  Relatively new to the industry is the use of resealable or recloseable ends. CSW also can handle (most of) these as well.


If also resealable ends should be handled an additional CSW Upgrade Kit for Resealable Ends is applicable. More advice from CSW on this issue is mandatory, as not all resealable ends do behave in the same manner and should be judged upfront by the CSW specialists.


For your specific requirements please contact your CSW representative, call +31 (0) 570 678 700 or find your local CSW agency ›.

The CSW Bin Connection to centralised sleeves removal is used when a factory plant has a centralised vacuum system to remove cut sleeves from CSW unwrappers.


At the position of the CSW Paper Bin, a special connection flange is positioned to which the external vacuum system can be connected.


For your specific requirements please contact your CSW representative, call +31 (0) 570 678 700 or find your local CSW agency ›.

Each individual CSW Automated Unwrapping solution comes with a standard gravity roll storage table capable of storing 40, 50 or 60 rolls of 2.02 ends, depending on the machine. To give our customers more flexibility towards roll handling, roll buffer capacity, or for layout purposes.



CSW can chose from following options:

  • CSW Driven Flow Tables
  • CSW Roll Conveyors
  • CSW Roll Depalletiser


Table 2.02 ends 2.06 ends
 FT100  100 rolls  85 rolls
 FT150  153 rolls  120 rolls
 FT200  180 rolls  155 rolls
 FT250  245 rolls  200 rolls


Roll Conveyor between Flow Table and Unwrapper

Within a standard CSW template, the CSW roll buffer table, either gravity or driven, is positioned inline of the CSW unwrapper and directly connected to the infeed of the unwrapper.


Roll conveyerIf the area available for the machine is narrow but long, then the CSW roll buffer table might be positioned to the side of the CSW unwrapper instead.


To connect the outfeed of the CSW roll buffer table and the roll infeed of the CSW unwrapper in this alternative layout configuration, a CSW roll conveyor is issued.



Roll De-palletiser

See Roll-End De-palletiser ›


For your specific requirements please contact your CSW representative, call +31 (0) 570 678 700 or find your local CSW agency ›.

To minimize the influence of external dust on the unwrapped ends.


CSW can provide several additional solutions:

  • Dust covering on the transport towards the downstream positioned seamer
  • Dust covering on the buffer carousel and its outfeed
  • Vacuum system to remove particles at the unwrapping position and at the Gap control of the seamer infeed.




For your specific requirements please contact your CSW representative, call +31 (0) 570 678 700 or find your local CSW agency ›.

A CSW Manual End Feed as Bypass for automated CSW unwrappers is used in the CSW Transport towards the downstream positioned seamer, just after the CSW Unwrapper.



To give the operator the opportunity to manually add a number of extra ends for finishing a series run, or to give the operator the opportunity to continue feeding the seamer, if the automated unwrapper comes to an unexpected stop. For example if the paper bin is full and should be emptied. CSW highly recommends to issue this option.


Calculated: one set per single outfeed of a machine


The CSW Manual End Feed as Bypass is included as standard with any given Multifeeder Buffer Carousel combination.


For your specific requirements please contact your CSW representative, call +31 (0) 570 678 700 or find your local CSW agency ›.